Beltman Van Marle Edens Lawyers

Nieuwe Ach­ter­gracht 9–1 
1018 XT  Amster­dam
Tel : +31 20 528 98 92
Fax: +31 20 528 56 62


Our three expe­rien­ced lawy­ers together have spe­ci­a­li­za­ti­ons in almost all civil law areas.

U kunt bij ons terecht met zaken over  schade, over­een­kom­sten, inbreuk op auteurs­recht, arbeids­ge­schil­len, huur­kwes­ties, bestuurs­recht, incasso’s en per­so­­­­­­­­­­­­nen- en familierecht.

Our method

We look for the right solu­tion for your legal issue. Relia­ble, com­mit­ted and affor­da­ble. This is how we work.

A first mee­ting (1 hour) will not be char­ged. So make an appoint­ment wit­hout obli­ga­tion to dis­cuss your case. A first advice may pre­vent pro­blems. Then you decide whe­ther and how we proceed.

For whom?

We work for entre­pre­neurs, self-employed per­sons, artists and indi­vi­du­als. We use an hourly rate or work accor­ding to a fixed price agreement.

Pri­vate indi­vi­du­als are some­ti­mes eli­gi­ble for fun­ded legal aid. You can also con­tact us for this. All infor­ma­tion about this can be found on

Look here at

The lawyers

We can help you with advice and assis­tance in mat­ters in all civil juris­dic­ti­ons. Unsure about some­thing? Make an appoint­ment to dis­cuss this. It does not com­mit you to anything!

Nico Beltman is at home in all areas that concern self-employed people, including artists and performers. He handles cases in the field of copyright, contracts, employment law and administrative law.

Nico Beltman


Nico Belt­man begon zijn loop­baan als jurist bij het Bureau voor Rechts­hulp. Daarna was hij 11 jaar jurist en advo­caat bij de Kun­sten­bond FNV. In 2003 richtte hij het kan­toor op. Hij is als advo­­­­­­­­­­­caat-trai­­­­­­­­­­­ner ver­bon­den aan de beroeps­op­lei­ding van de Orde van Advo­ca­ten en geeft daar de vak­ken schrijf­vaar­dig­heid en beroeps­at­ti­tude en ‑ethiek. Daar­naast is hij lid van de externe bezwa­ren­com­mis­sie van de gemeen­ten Baarn (alge­mene kamer) en Soest (soci­ale kamer).

Nico has regis­tered the prin­ci­pal legal area of gene­ral prac­tice in the regis­ter of legal areas of the Dutch Bar Asso­ci­a­tion. On the basis of this regi­stra­tion, he is obli­ged to obtain ten trai­ning cre­dits each calen­dar year in this main field of law.

Robert van Marle conducts a general practice with an emphasis on litigating in labor, family and (real estate) rental law cases. For many years he has advised and guided a regular clientele active in small and medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurs and private individuals in the real estate sector.

Robert van Marle

Robert van Marle, born and rai­sed in Amster­dam, has been wor­king as a lawyer in his city since 1994. In addi­tion to his prac­tice, he is chair­man of the Amster­dam Advo­cate Con­sulta­tion (SAA), which orga­ni­zes wee­kly con­sulta­tion hours in various dis­tricts. He is a mem­ber of the Employ­ment Law Association.

Robert has regis­tered the prin­ci­pal legal area of gene­ral prac­tice in the regis­ter of legal areas of the Dutch Bar Association. 

On the basis of this regi­stra­tion, he is obli­ged to obtain ten trai­ning cre­dits each calen­dar year in this main field of law.

Rob Edens assists both tenants and landlords in matters about renting and letting of residential and commercial space. Rob also works in the fields of contract law, employment law and personal and family law.

Rob Edens

Rob Edens has been a lawyer in the gene­ral prac­tice since 1996. Before that, he wor­ked as a lawyer at a bailiff’s office where he was res­pon­si­ble for the liti­ga­tion prac­tice and advice to clients in ren­tal issues and debt col­lec­tion cases. He has the spe­ci­a­li­za­tion trai­ning in tenancy law com­ple­ted in 2002 and is a mem­ber of the Asso­ci­a­tion of Huur­recht Advo­ca­ten (VHA). As an expe­rien­ced sai­lor, Rob also regu­larly assists clients who are active in the  water­sport­bran­che. Daar­naast is hij vice-voor­­­­­­­­­­­­zit­­­­­­­­­­­­ter van de pati­ën­ten­klach­ten­com­mis­sie MEE.

Rob heeft in het rechts­ge­bie­den­re­gis­ter van de Neder­landse orde van advo­ca­ten de hoofd­rechts­ge­bie­den alge­mene prak­tijk, arbeids­recht, huur­recht en per­so­­­­­nen- en fami­lie­recht gere­gi­streerd. On the basis of this regi­stra­tion, he is obli­ged to obtain ten trai­ning cre­dits each calen­dar year in this main field of law.

The office

Our office is loca­ted just steps away from Carré the­a­ter. Tram lines 1, 7 and 19 and metro lines 51, 53 and 54 stop 250 meters away (Weesper­plein). Paid par­king is pos­si­ble in the area.

Look at the map

Our conditions

The con­di­ti­ons under which we per­form our ser­vi­ces are inclu­ded in the order con­fir­ma­tion after an ini­tial appointment.

Check them out below. Con­di­ti­ons

Third party’s account

Stich­ting beheer der­den­gel­den BME Advocaten 

NL67ABNA 0581 2356 73 BIC/SWIFT: ABNANL2A 


The office has a com­plaints pro­ce­dure. This pro­vi­des that a com­plaint is first made known to the lawyer. If he fails to resolve the com­plaint, the com­plaints offi­cer will be engaged.